
001 - React Chat Tutorial - Let's Start on The Backend

If you'd like to learn how to create a chat application using Node.js and React.js from scratch I'll be teaching just that in this new video series. Let's get those fingers moving!

002 TauByte Demystified Creating the Chat Endpoint dFunction and PubSu...

Here we'll setup the backend code necessary for our chat to work. We need to create a decentralized function that will give us the pubsub channel's web socket address. We can then use this address to generate a Javascript WebSocket object. We'll use this WebSocket object to communicate with other clients on the chat through the pubsub channel.

003 TauByte Demystified TauChat Frontend

Here we'll start working on the front-end react application for TauChat. 

001 TauByte Dymistified Setting Up for TauByte Development

TauByte Demystified In this series I will demystify the TauByte platform by helping you setup a development environment, create a simple website, decentralized functions and many more cool features. Follow along as we create a simple chat application using TauByte.